A very rare Umayyad dinar
Los 319
ISLAMIC, Umayyad Caliphate. temp. Ibrahim ibn al-Walid, AH 126-127 / AD 744. Dinar (Gold, 19 mm, 4.26 g, 5 h), without mint, AH 127 = AD 744/5. In inner field, 'لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له' (‘there is no God except Allah, alone, He has no partner’ in Kufic); in margin, 'محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله' (‘Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, who sent him with guidance and the religion of truth to proclaim it over all religions’ in Kufic). Rev. In inner field, 'الله احد الله الصمد لم يلد و لم يولد' (‘Allah the One, Allah the Eternal Absolute. He neither begets nor was He begotten’ in Kufic); in margin, 'بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينر سنة سبع و عشرين و مئة' (‘in the name of Allah, this dinar was struck year seven and twenty and one hundred’ in Kufic). Album T140. Very rare, and among the finest known. Very light doubling, otherwise, extremely fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Hisham ibn 'Abd al-Malik's death in AH 125 led to the escalation of what had been a comparatively small number of rebellions into a large number of conflicts all over the Caliphate. From the anti-Arab rebellions to the Kharijite and Abbasid revolutions, the issues of unrest and conflict were numerous. The Umayyad administration was quickly overwhelmed conflicts and the lack of proper control caused troubles to worsen even further.

An unclear line of caliphal succession characterized the period during which this dinar was struck. The gold dinars of AH 127 are among the rarest in the Umayyad series, second only to the famous dinars of AH 77. Accordingly, due to their extraordinary rarity, they are conventionally attributed to caliph Ibrahim ibn al-Walid, who ruled for a brief period of two months. Out of fear of his political opponents, Ibrahim ended his reign when he retreated into hiding. In historical sources, he appears again when he was executed by the Abbasids when they took over the Caliphate, as were most other members of the Umayyad dynasty.
7500 CHF
6000 CHF
14000 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 14-May-22, 06:00:00 CEST
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